Mounted Search and Rescue Training

Sign in starts at 0800 and breakfast will be provided by Sheriff’s culinary. Classroom training will begin at 0900 covering SAR related topics. Lunch will be provided by Sheriff’s culinary at 1130. A mounted evidence search will follow lunch. This training should conclude by 1600. Four very nice prizes will be awarded to the participants who collect the most valuable evidence.
There will be a trail ride following the training. A fireside debriefing will follow the trail ride. Camping is available Friday through Sunday. The camp will have water, but please be prepared with water for your horses
This training is free for all certified Sheriff MSAR personnel. Please support this valuable training with your participation. Many hours of pre-planning have been spent to guarantee an educational and fun exercise. We need a head count ASAP so please send your participant roster to Hap Hatch.