Terrain Navigator Pro for SAR Users

If you are a user for Terrain Navigator check out these resources for SAR professionals.

If you are a user for Terrain Navigator check out these resources for SAR professionals.
On Dec 8 and 9, 2012, I attended a free workshop to introduce a GIS application called MapSAR to 40 attendees from several search and rescue teams throughout the state.
The MapSAR application is the result of collaboration between members of the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team, ESRI, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, and the Mountaineer Rescue Group.
The goal of MapSAR is to bring GIS techniques and technologies to the Search and Rescue field. What is GIS? GIS as defined by ESRI is “A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.”
Larry Reinhart from San Gorgonio SAR recently shared a UTM reader that is useful for the popular Tom Harrison 1:4750 maps. As with the other readers, I recommend printing on overhead transparency media then laminating them.
As mentioned at the last IESARC meeting, please send any forms or other tools that you find helpful in your SAR efforts. I post them in the "Documents" section of the website.
Larry has updated the file to contain readers for most of the popular map scales in this series of maps. The file now contains readers for the San Jacinto, Angeles, Baldy, and Whitney regions in addition to the San Gorgonio region.