Director's Dialogue March 2013

There will be a Helitac Training on April 6th for members who can not make their unit training's. The SAR Council will be hosting it, if you would like to attend please let me know. or contact Dep. John Woods of VF at There are currently 9 slots still open.
BSARis returning to Glen Helen for the May/June school. This is due to a few logistical problems at the Heart Bar Training Facility, so it was determined Glen Helen would be the best choice for this class. The September/October academy site has yet to be determined. Make sure your reserve your members with Stella at Volunteer Forces prior to the class who wish and need to attend. Only members who have received their I.D.’s and Orders are eligible to participate.
The MSAR Committee will be meeting prior to the SAR Council Meeting on March 20th. All mounted units should have two representatives from their unit who will attend this meeting. It will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Headquarters. Contact our MSAR Committee Chairman Hap Hatch at 951-543-8817 for further details.
The mounted units all pitched in a bought an arena for the Heart Bar Training Facility, with the help of the Rodeo Committee. I am glad to announce this purchase has been completed. In the spring the arena will be erected, a round pin will be constructed and several overnight corrals will be installed. Your assistance with the installation of the arena will be asked for at a future date if you are willing to help out, we will keep you posted. In the meantime if you have any corral panels, water/feed buckets, feeders, rakes etc that you would like to donate to the Training Facility, please contact John Amrhien at Volunteer Forces…… 909-387-0611.
Whatever happened to the PR Trailer? Well the Council is happy to inform you that work on the trailer is progressing, finally at a rapid pass. Ron Thy of the
Victor Valley SAR Unit, who is donating his time and numerous hours of work, is telling us that we will hopefully have it up and operational by May of this year. We are keeping our fingers crossed and we all want to thank Ron for his dedication to this project. Thank you Ron!
Do not forget the SAR Council Meeting on March the 20th, Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at Headquarters. This will be your chance to meet our new sergeant at VF’s Bryne Lane, and get to see our former sergeant Jeff Joling with his new bars. Hope to see you all there.
Sharpen up your SAR Skills and grab the family! A weekend of fun, some friendly SAR Unit completion, great weather and food are planned for July 26, 27 and 28. The gates will be open at the Heart Bar Training facility for overnight camping if you so desire on Friday evening and the activities for the SAR Challenge will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday. Put this event on your calendar! There will be activities for our members as well as the kids. The SAR Challenge Committee which is being chaired by Frank Kams, our IESARC Assistant Director, will be releasing more information about this as the time gets closer…plan on it! Its going to be a great event!
Tom Henderson, our chair for this membership drive in May, has put together a power point presentation about this project. He will be presenting it at the next SAR Council Meeting and you will appreciate the work he has done to assist you in running a great membership recruitment program. Hopefully, your unit will elect to participate in the Unit completion in May. However, with the DVD’s and information he will be giving out to every Unit, at SAR Council, this will be a tool that you can use at anytime to assist your Units membership goals throughout the year.
ICS Team
Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 3rd at 6:30 p.m. at Headquarters.
Please bring your form box and we will restock it for everyone. Meeting will be to review the past year, any ideas for suggested changes and to plan on how to implement those changes for the upcoming year.
March 10: Sheriff’s Star In Motion 10K Run
March 20: SAR Council Meeting
April 3: ICS Team Meeting
April 6: Helitac Training
May 4 & 5: BSAR
May 15: SAR Council Meeting
May 18: Countywide MSAR Training
May 18 & 19: BSAR
June 1 & 2: BSAR
June 29: Camp No Limits
July 17: SAR Council Meeting
July 26, 27 & 28: SAR Challenge/Family Day
August 9, 10, 11: TRBC
August 23, 24, 25: TRBC
September 18: SAR Council Meeting
September 21 & 22: BSAR
September 27 28 & 29: Sheriffs Rodeo
October 5: Helitac Training
October 5 & 6: BSAR
October 12 & 13: SAR City
October 19 &20: BSAR
November 20: SAR Council Meeting
December 14: Gift of Love
The calendar is packed, good training's, good meetings and some fun times. I hope that you can participate and I am looking forward to seeing you at these events………take care and……
Be Safe
Dave Nicolet, Director
Inland Empire Search and Rescue Council
Directors Dialoge in
Director's Dialogue

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