Free MapSAR Training Course December 8-9

Don't miss out on this opportunity to receive top notch instruction in the use of MapSAR. The participant will learn how to use the free MapSAR tool with Esri’s ArcGIS Desktop product. It is designed for individuals with limited or no GIS experience. GIS has proven to be beneficial to map emergency incidents. This class will teach you how to create search segments (probability areas), draw search assignments and print maps for field crews and the command post. You will also learn how to track incident activities like clues, field team status, debriefing information and GPS track logs. This is a hands-on training class; computers, textbooks, reference manuals and software will be provided for 30 students. Please fill out the registration form and email it to John Amrhein ( if you are interested in attending. Class participant selections will be announced November 15.
Dates/Time: December 8-9 (16 hrs) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Headquarters
655 E. 3rd. St.
San Bernardino, CA 92415
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