Director's Dialogue June 2012

I would like to start off by thanking our SAR members who provided for and who participated in last months OHVSAR and MSAR Countywide trainings. From all reports and critiques, the 2nd Annual OHVSAR and the 6th Annual MSAR Trainings were the best that we have ever held.
Mike Westover, the Council's OHVSAR chairman, Summer Jones the event chairperson and all of the members of Bear Valley SAR hosted an outstanding weekend training. All of those members who attended, raved about the hospitality, organization and training scenarios. It was a weekend of fun, learning and shared OHVSAR skills.
On the MSAR side, I would like to thank Hap Hatch, the Council's MSAR chairman and Dean Mott the events chairman from the Apple Valley Posse. What a great day of outstanding training, new SAR techniques and a great victim type scenario. Hats off to Commander Diane Nukols and all of the members from Apple Valley for providing the best of trainings for our equine SAR personnel. Again, the members who attended walked away with a greater knowledge of our use of our four-legged friends for SAR missions. Once again, to all who were involved…with both trainings…Thank you for your time, support and dedication.
The SAR Council would like to also thank all of the individuals and the SAR Units who donated to help the families of the two Public Service Interns who were fatally injured in April of this year. The Council had the privilege, on behalf of all of you, to donate to S.E.A.T $5000.00 to help these families during their tragic times. Thank you from the Department, S.E.A.T., Volunteer Forces and the Council for your generosity.
Remember the Star In Motion 10K Run that was held a couple of months back? The Council was asked it we could ask all of our SAR units to provide the manpower for this event in its first year, well guess what? It was a success. We had over 50 members involved in this first time event and the Council received a donation from them for $1000.00 at our last Council Meeting, For all of your help and assistance these funds will be used to purchase equipment in the near future for all of our Units. Thank you so much to those who found the time to participate.
NEWS FLASH: If you haven’t heard by now, our very own Lieutenant Todd Paterson has been promoted to Captain. What great news for him and sad news for us, he will be leaving Volunteer Forces this Friday, June 15th. All of us would like to congratulate him and we all would like to wish him the best of luck with his new assignment. The Lt. came to us just about two and half years ago and I can say personally it has been an honor and privilege to have served with him during that time. He has made many friends with your SAR members and has been a great help to straighten out a lot of things that needed to be fixed when he came to VF. He will be missed. Please note on your calendar the date of our next SAR Council meeting, July 18th, as we have invited him to this meeting so that we can say our farewells. Again….Congratulations Lt. Paterson and we wish you the best!
BSAR ACADEMY: The dates for the fall classes have been announced by our school's dean, Wes Podboy. September 22 and 23, October 6 and 7 with the final weekend being held on the weekend of October 20 and 21 are the dates that have been set. Again, we will be looking for Mentors for the overnight exercise on October 20. If you have served in this capacity before and if not, and you like to get on the list for the future, contact me ASAP. Please remember that if you have members who have not recertified with the Basic SAR Skills, that they can come to BSAR to be certified. Contact VF to reserve a place, the times of the certification will be released shortly.
SAR COUNCIL MEETING: The next meeting of the SAR Council will be held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012. It will be at Headquarters and will start at 7 p.m. Remember to send your Unit Representatives and that this meeting is open to all of our members as well. I would like to thank everyone who attended the meeting in March, what a great turnout, I hope that all of our meetings will keep producing this type of response in the future.
SHERIFFS RODEO: The SAR Councils standing chairperson for this event, Diana Poe is looking for units and members who would like to help out this year. Also, if your unit would like to set up a display and/or sell any item(s) please contact Diana at: The dates are September 28, 29 and 30.
SAR CITY - 40TH ANNUAL: The Barstow Desert Rescue Squad will be hosting this event for the 40th year. To make this event even more memorable they have asked the SAR Council and VF to find out for them about any classes that you might want to see included in the schedule this year. If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact me or Sgt. Joling at Volunteer Forces with your ideas via email ASAP. Also, if you have any vendors who you know of who you think may be interested in attending this years event please send us the names of their companies and a contact person for that company. Your help and support for this event will be deeply appreciated. Mark down on your calendar October 12, 13 and 14, 2012 so that you can attend the various trainings that will be available. We all need to support the Desert Rescue Squad and this annual event, please pass the word and attend.
CAMP NO LIMITS: Please contact SAR Council Chairman Dennis McWhinney, the Commander of the Bear Valley Posse, if you are interested in helping out at this event. This day is designed for amputee children to have the opportunity to see and experience a host of different events. This is the second year that SAR has been involved with displays for these kids and again if you would like to help out get a hold of Dennis. It will be held in Big Bear on the 16th of June.
SHERIFFS GIFT OF LOVE: Mike Ward, the Councils Rep for this event has announced that this years program will be held on December 8, 2012. More information about this event will be made available as the time draws nearer. Once again our SAR units will be asked to be involved with this very worth while project.
Remember, we are made up of several individual SAR units in our county, but we will always be… One Team!!!!! On behalf of the entire board of directors of the SAR Council we will always hope that you are and will ask you to ………………
Be Safe Dave Nicolet, Director
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