Camp No Limits

On Saturday, June 18th several representatives of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department search & rescue volunteers answered a rather unusual “call to duty” at Pine Summit Camp in Big Bear Lake. Aside from Mike Ward of the Inland Empire SAR Council, eight members of the Big Bear Sheriff’s Posse (mounted search & rescue), two Big Bear SAR members, one Apple Valley SAR and two SAR members from Wrightwood/Phelan, along with three Big Bear Posse horses and an extensive array of search & rescue vehicles and equipment, responded to a request on behalf of “Camp No Limits” to provide a “hands on” experience for their group of youngsters (ages 3 to 17) who are missing one or more limbs.
These young people, most of them equipped with one or more prosthetic devices, were thrilled at the opportunity to sit atop a saddled horse, behind the wheel of a SAR vehicle and experience the handling of an injured “victim” rescued from a search activity.
“Camp No Limits” is headquartered in Wales, Maine and was founded by Mary Leighton in 2004. Ms Leighton, who continues to serve as executive director of the organization, identifies the vision of the organization as “To be the leading camp for young people with limb loss, in the United States and abroad, recognized for camper satisfaction, age specific physical and social skill development, amputee education, and peer support.”All the SAR participants were truly moved by the experience of providing these children with this opportunity. One participant commented,
"I found that the only limits these young ones had, were those that WE perceived, affecting us not them. On more than one occasion a few of us "tough SAR guys" had to step away that afternoon."

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