Director's Dialogue May 2011

CHALLENGE COIN: The SAR Council and Volunteer Forces, as supporters of the California State Search and Rescue Memorial, are now selling the “Challenge Coin” to help raise funds for this project. The Challenge Coin’s are $15.00 each and if you would like to purchase one please send a check made out to: IESARC. Send it to: IESARC, c/o SBDO Co. Sheriff’s Department Volunteer Forces Unit, 655 East Third St., San Bernardino, Ca. 92415. Coins will be available for pickup at Volunteer Forces or at the IESARC meeting after the next order arrives.
INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM (IMT): The SAR Council is pleased to announce that Volunteer Forces and the Board of Chiefs has accepted and approved the Council’s proposal to establish a countywide Incident Management Team (IMT). This Team will be staffed and trained to assist Station Commanders during emergency and/or search operations. The primary purpose and mission of the IMT will be to provide experienced and trained personnel for Incident Command Structure (ICS) positions during these events. The IMT will be comprised of trained SAR volunteer members only, who have met the requirements and qualifications as outlined by VF. The supervision and management of this team itself will be that of Volunteer Forces/Emergency Operations. The Coordinator for this team will be Sgt. Jeff Joling of Volunteer Forces.
The first meeting to establish the standards for the IMT was held on April 20th with all of the members who have been selected to staff the IMT. If any other SAR members are interested in becoming a member of this team please go to the website and see the Requirements and Qualifications to be considered for a position. Please send all information to Sgt. Joling at for review.
MSAR COUNTYWIDE TRAINING: The members from the Apple Valley Posse will host the 6th Annual MSAR Countywide Training on May 21, 2011. All mounted SAR member should attend this event, many new mounted SAR concepts will be introduced. Chairman Dean Mott has promised a day of fun and education. For more information and registration forms please go to the website.
OHVSAR COUNTYWIDE TRAINING: The 1st Annual All County OHVSR Training will be held on June 3-5, 2011. Bear Valley SAR will be hosting this event chaired by the IESARC OHVSAR Chairman Mike Westover. The training will take place at the Johnson Valley OHV Area. For registration and more information please go to the website.
SAR COUNCIL MEETING: The next meeting of the SAR Council will be held on May 18, 2011. This meeting will be held at Headquarters and will be called to order at 7 p.m. We hope that all units will send their Unit Representatives. Please remember that this meeting is also open to all SAR personnel and Unit Coordinators from every SAR unit.
MEMBERS HONORED AND RECOGINIZED AT MARCH SAR COUNCIL MEETING: Tom Humphreville of Morongo Basin SAR, Dep. Marylee Brown and Sgt Jeff Joling, both of Volunteer Forces were honored at the last SAR Council Meeting. All three where recognized by the department for their outstanding tracking efforts. The tracking skills by the three led to Aviation finding missing hiker Ed Rosenthal last summer in the Joshua Tree National Monument. Congratulations to all three of these individuals!
Also, Dr, Jerry Woodring of the Morongo Basin SAR unit was honored by receiving the
Departments Volunteer of the Quarter Award. Jerry has given 40 years of service to his SAR unit and the department. He was one of the original founders of today’s SAR Council and has been very instrumental in setting up tracking and training programs throughout the years countywide. Jerry’s award was more of a life time achievement award for all of his efforts…………Congratulations and thank your for your service!
2010 COMMANDER OF THE YEAR AWARDS: Congratulations must also go out to both Mark Kinsey and Roy Nuckols for being selected as the Unit Commanders of the Year for 2011. Mark the commander of the Cave Team and Roy the commander of Apple Valley Posse did outstanding jobs during 2010. Their units were motivated, participated in numerous searches and trained and certified to the max. Both of these gentlemen through their leadership skills vastly improved and professionalized their respective units. Congratulations to both.
HELITAC CLASS: The SAR Council will be hosting a Helitac Class on Sunday, June 26, 2011. Any SAR members, from any unit may attend this class. There are openings for 25 members to attend. If you would like to participate please notify me by email, it will be on a first-come-first served basis.
Be Safe
Dave Nicolet, Director
San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
Inland Empire Search and Rescue Council
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