Incident Management Team

The Sar Council is pleased to announce that Volunteer Forces and the Board of Chiefs has accepted and approved the Council's proposal to establish a county-wide Incident Management Team (IMT).
This team will be staffed and trained to assist the Station Commanders during emergency and/or search operations. The primary purpose and mission of the IMT will be to provide experienced and trained personnel for Incident Command Structure (ICS) positions during these events. The IMT will be comprised of trained SAR volunteer members only, who have meet the requirements and qualifications as outlined by VF. The supervision and management of this team itself will be that of Volunteer Forces/ Emergency Operations. The Coordinator for this team will be Sergeant Jeff Joling of Volunteer Forces.
The first meeting of the IMT will be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Please note that this meeting was originally scheduled for the 13th, but now has been changed. The meeting will be held at Headquarters and will start at 6 p.m.
At this time, the meeting will be for members only who have been selected to be on this team. However, if there are any SAR members who have met the requirements and qualifications and who would liked to be considered for a position they are also invited to attend. Please bring all the necessary information required for submittal. Volunteer Forces will announce at a later date the names of the applicants who have been selected. [The requirements are available here]
I hope to see all members of the IMT and those who would like to be considered to join the team on the 20th.
Be Safe
Dave Nicolet, Director
Inland Empire Search & Rescue Council
incident management in

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