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BSAR 01-2010 Graduates

Congratulations to the graduates of the Sheriff's Basic Search & Rescue Academy, Class 01-2010! 

Air Medics: Bernard Horak, Roy Kim, Richard Orton, Stephen Patterson, Daniel Word Jr.               
Apple Valley Mounted Sheriff’s Posse: Darlene Bray, Mark Bray, Carey Carr, Glenn Carr, Steven Chester, Dawn Stoecker                    
Barstow Desert Rescue Squad: Robert Riley
Bear Valley SAR: Duane Dickerson, Deputy John Everman (Coordinator), Deputy Christopher Morsch (Coordinator), Joshua Taylor
Incident Support Unit: Dennis Stiles          
Morongo Basin SAR: David Larus, Bobby Pilgrim
Rim of the World SAR: Ken Anthony
San Gorgonio SAR: Barra Franklin, Shane Franklin
San Bernardino Mountain SAR: Pamela Conrad, Jose Frausto, Margo Machen, Ryan Olney          
Victor Valley SAR: Matthew Twiss
Wrightwood/Phelan SAR: Joshua Conaway
West Valley Mounted Sheriff’s Posse: AJ Joubert
West Valley SAR: Deputy Ryan Norkunas (Coordinator)
Central Station: Deputy Laurel Mitchell    

All 30 students who began the academy on February 27th and one student who was unable to complete the final weekend of session 02-2009 due to illness graduated on Sunday March 28th.

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