SAR Mission Near Fairview Valley

On Saturday October 9, 2010 the Victor Valley SAR team conducted their annual 24 hr. training, which, this year, was directed at BSAR Skills certification.The team met at a campsite in the Stoddard Valley area, located north of Apple Valley between HWY 15 and HWY 247. The day started with the unit meeting followed by members transitioning from one test area to another. During the lunch break a few of us were discussing past overnights and how we seem to always end up in a "for real" situation.
The testing was completed by 1700 and dinner was completed by 1900. A night ATV certification ride was started at about 2000, traveling from the campsite to Slash X Ranch following Stoddard Valley Road and Powerline Road (about 16 miles). An emergency communication (2130) from our Commander indicated than Reserve/SAR Jim Andrews had monitored a dispatch that indicated that there was a missing (4 hours) female motorcycle rider in the Fairview Valley area and that deputies were being sent. He immediately called dispatch and requested that the Watch Commander contact him concerning the missing person. After a brief discussion (we were already in night search mode), a hasty team consisting of members that were in camp (BSAR staff, ground members, and additional ATV riders) proceeded to the search area (approx 2230) and the ATV team was recalled to refuel and get an update.
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The hasty team went to the RP's camp and determined a direction of travel and possible riding location. They set a vehicle grid search pattern and proceeded South down the lake bed. Just after the ATV team and deputy coordinator, John Parks, reached the RP campsite, a hasty team member reported that Ron Thy had found the subject (2330 now 5-6 hr missing). The initial report indicated that the 30 year old female was unconscious and in critical condition. A request was made for San Bernardino County Fire to respond along with Mercy Air. Team members converged on the subject location and our emergency medical personnel did a medical survey and monitored the subject’s condition while a LZ was set up. Medical treatment was transferred to fire and the subject was transported by air to a hospital for emergency treatment.
While enroute to the search area with the ATV team, Commander Mike Cimmarusti (side by side with observer) contacted a lone female ATV rider (2300 hrs) who was an unreported lost subject. Contact with her family determined she went missing about 2000. They escorted the rider to a meeting point of Central and Johnson road and released this second lost rider to her parents.
At last report the initial subject was in stable but critical condition. The fact that the team was training nearby saved precious time in reaching the subject.
Thank you to all the Victor Valley team members who were able to participate; this is why our motto is, " ...that others may live".
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