Director's Dialogue September 2009

It turned out that the station deputy’s did the majority of the 2-legged evacuations and Animal Control did most of the 4-legged evacuations. Even though we did not do a lot of the work the turn out by these units was outstanding. It is always good to see that in the time of crisis the response that we receive from our SAR units. Good job everyone!
The Helitac Class, hosted by the SAR Council for September 6th is still going to be conducted as scheduled. I will be calling Aviation again tomorrow to confirm. If the fires cause the class to be cancelled I will be sending out an email.
There is a meeting of the CV Memorial Committee at headquarters at 6 p.m. on the 3rd. This project has a full head of steam now that we have received approval from the department for its location and fund raising programs. The committee has also received bids and renderings for the construction. Hopefully, the committee is still on target to have it in place by the end of November. Fund raising activities will be starting at the beginning of next week.
Fund raising will also be on tap for the San G SAR unit who will be hosting their 6th Annual Calvert and Johnston Memorial Golf Tournament for Phil and Scott on October 5th at the Shandin Hills Golf Club. If you are a golfer and/or would like to be one of the sponsors go to: or call 909-534-6207.
The MUDRUN: please we need your help. We are looking for members from our SAR Units to help out at this event on September 12th. Again, if you have any members who would like to help out please contact Deputy Marion Browne at Participation last year was around 1500 and this year they are expecting around 2500. It’s a fun day and they promise not to work you to hard.
Make sure you get your new members who are going to attend BSAR starting September 19th ready to go. We will also need mentors for the weekend of October 17th. If you are sending folks to the training, BSAR is asking that you send mentors for the over night exercise as well from your unit. Contact Dan Whitten at: and give him the names of the members who are going to be mentors.
Now that we have mentioned Corporal Dan Whitten, all of us would like to congratulate him. He is getting married this weekend to Megan. All of us from the SAR family of San Bernardino County would like to wish both Dan and Megan our best. CONGRATULATIONS!
Christine Stuehrmann is chairing the SAR Booth at the Sheriffs Rodeo on September 25, 26 and 27th. This will be a SAR informational booth for the public and SAR Council t-shirts and landyards will be available for sale this year. Christine is looking for units who want to set up some type of display at the booth and members to help man it. You will be receiving an email this weekend from her and if you are interested in helping out you can contact Christine at:
SAR CITY is coming up on the weekend of October 9, 10 and 11. Plan on attending, they are having more vendors this year and have a great line up of SAR classes for you to attend. Go to our website for more information. The Barstow Desert Rescue Squad needs our support and I hope that you have a number of your members who are going to attend.
As you can see the next few weeks are going to be very very busy. Committee meetings, 3 weekends of BSAR, Golf Tournaments, The Mudrun, The Sheriff’s Rodeo, weddings and SAR City... is going to keep a lot of us hopping.
There is going to be a SAR Council Meeting on Wednesday, September 16th. Besides the usual business on hand there is going to be a vote on the new Individual SAR Skills Certification proposal that we will be submitting to Volunteer Forces. This certification is still in the proposal stage and we are talking to all of the Unit Commanders about this. I hope to see you on the 16th.
I urge all of you to attend as many of these above listed events that you can, they are going to be fun, entertaining and will give all of us a chance to work together as ONE TEAM from our SAR community……………I hope to see all of you at some of these events.
During these event and your everyday lives…………….
Be Safe
Dave Nicolet, Director
Inland Empire Search and Rescue Council
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