Director's Dialogue June 2009

I have been very fortunate to meet many fine individuals since I joined SAR just about 10 years ago. People who care, who are committed and who understand our roles as SAR personnel. Individuals who are willing to give of their self's and of their precious time. They do this for a multitude of reasons, they serve their communities, their units and they serve our one large SAR team that we have here in San Bernardino County.
Donna Newlin of Rim SAR, Sgt. Jeff Morgan of Volunteer Forces and myself had a chance to meet one other fine individual yesterday in San Jose. He was a young man of 24, who cared about his family, his friends, his fellow SAR unit members and his community. He joined the San Luis Obispo SAR unit just over a year ago. Just last month he was voted-in as a regular full time member of the unit after a year of training and certifying.
He was a graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and was the former president of his fraternity. He was active in his church as a counselor, was a certified EMT and worked for an ambulance company.
Unfortunately, we did not get to meet him in person. Sadly, he was killed last week while performing his SAR duties while on a mission. We only got to meet him in spirit and through the eyes and comments of others who attended his service.
His name was: Chris Meadows.
There was a large portrait and an oil painting of Chris up by the podium for the service. We watched a slide presentation that showed him from his infancy to pictures taken just a few days prior to his untimely death. Every picture showed him with his family and friends. Every picture depicted a young man who cherished life, who enjoyed life and who was looking forward to having a long and productive life. In every picture Chris had a huge smile that was just plain infectious, you almost wanted to smile back at the pictures of him. You could tell that this was a young man who enjoyed every aspect of his environment.
During the service I could not forget what we all went though when we lost Scott and Phil a few years ago. I remember how we all felt that sense of loss and how we tried to deal with the reasoning of why and how come. I remember how we all pulled together to get through those trying time and the help that we received from our fellow members, the other agencies and their personnel. I once again saw that support at Chris's funeral.
Gathered were Chris's family, friends, police officers, fire department personnel, paramedics, SAR members in orange and ambulance drivers from all around our state. All of these individuals were gathered as one to pay their respects to Chris and to his family and friends.
They gathered to share the grief, to lend their support and to let his family and friends know that we do care about one of our own. It is truly amazing to see this united support from so many during these trying times. We as SAR members do belong to a very unique family. It is something that each and every of one of us should be very proud of.
At the service and on the flight home, I am sure that both Donna and Sgt. Morgan also had time to reflect on what they felt this day. I cannot speak for them, however I do know one thing...all three of us got to know a fellow SAR member and neither of us will forget him. When you pray, take a moment and put Chris Meadows in your prayers...."May he rest in peace".
Once again we had another quiet month in regards to call-outs. Not much going on, but we are thankful for that. However, things still go forward and the SAR Council continues to work on a multitude of projects.
As you have heard we have SAR Council T-Shirts now on sell. Place your order today, give me a call or email and we will get them out to you. White crew necks, short and long sleeves, $12.50 and $15.00 respectively.
The department granted final approval of our new OHVSAR Standards. All committee members and Unit Commanders were emailed these standards a couple of weeks ago. Read them over and get to know what is expected of you and your team to be certified as an OHVSAR member.
The "10th Annual Sheriff's Benefit Rodeo Ranger BBQ and Trail Ride" is going to be held on June 14th at Los Flores Ranch. Short notice, but if you plan on attending please read the flyer at
The Council's PR/Display Trailer is moving forward. We would like to thank the following units for their contributions towards this undertaking: Bear Valley Posse, Cave and Technical Rescue Unit, East Valley Posse, Morongo Basin Mounted SAR, Morongo Basin SAR, Needles SAR, San Bernardino Mountain SAR and West Valley Posse. If any of the other units would like make a donation please make a check out to: IESARC and mail to: Dave Nicolet, P.O. Box 1432, Morongo Valley, Ca. 92256. Again, a big thank you to the units mentioned above.
The final touches have been put on the Citizens Volunteer Memorial. Funds are now going to be raised to complete this project by the end of November of this year. The committee has met and is working on bids. However, we need your help. We are looking for a motto to put on the Memorial. We are not going to use "so other may live" because that is geared solely towards SAR. We need a short motto that covers all of our volunteer units. Sooo...we are having a "MOTTO CONTEST". Please submit to me, via email, your idea that is stated in eight words or less. The winner of the Motto Contest will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to a restaurant of their choice.
Congratulations to Bear Valley SAR for completing the Helitac Course on May 31st. We still have units who have not taken this course. As stated we need a minimum of 3 to 5 members from each unit to be certified. Please call Sgt. Stewart at Aviation and make your appointment ASAP. Phone number is: 909-356-3800. We do have at least five openings for each of the classes that are going to be held on June 20th and June 27. Please contact me and let me know if your have members who would like to team up with other units who are taking these classes.
The MUDRUN is scheduled for September 12, 2009. The department is looking for security personnel, people to assist on the course and units that would like to display their goods. A list of manpower request will be sent out in the very near future.
Dan Whitten is still waiting to receive the Training Surveys that were due on June 1st. If your unit had not sent these back, please do so ASAP. If you need assistance with these forms please contact Dan at 909-387-0678.
The Urban Search and Rescue Orientation is going to be held on July 18th in Wrightwood. If you would like to attend, please read the flyer that is on our website.
And...last but not least, the members of the SAR Council would like to congratulate Frank Kams of the West Valley SAR for being selected as the new Assistant Director of the IESARC. Frank is a SAR Tech I, is the past unit commander of WVSAR, a staff member of the BSAR School and is certified as an Intermediate Rope Technician. He is Alpine qualified and is WVSAR's California Region MRA Representative. Frank is going to bring many talents to our Board of Directors...........we all are looking forward to serving with him and having him as a member of our team.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon.... until then, please...........
Be Safe
Dave Nicolet, Director