Gift of Love 2009

Greetings to All,
As most of you know the Sheriff’s Gift of Love Program is Saturday, December 12, 2009. This is the 12th year of a heartwarming and successful event; successful, due in part, to Search and Rescue’s participation. Once again, I’m asking for your help in giving mothers and children, living in domestic violence shelters, a Christmas they wouldn’t have without us. A Christmas they’ll never forget, because at a very dark and depressing time in their lives someone cared. We cared!
Here’s what I need:
Be at the location no later than 1015 hrs (contact Mike Ward for details). Be at your best. This means look sharp and be ready to have fun putting smiles on the young one's faces, mom's too!
Please follow your chain of command and have ONE PERSON from each unit, who plans on participating, contact me with your resource numbers and info ASAP. We give a gift of love that gets returned. You’ll never forget the child that hugs your leg and says, Can I come home with you?
Thanks for your many years of participation!
Mike Ward
SAR Council
909 953-0962

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