Insertion at Red Ridge

Yeserday Mark Kinsey and I were inserted at Red Ridge near the summit of Mt. San Gorgonio. Our assignment was to search the Vivian Creek Trail from that point to the bottom. Our missing person suffers from a seizure disorder, and as such, when he recovers from one of these events, he does not remember the events just prior. This meant that our searching required us to search off-trail as well.
The Vivian Creek Trail follows one of the large drainages that begin near the summit of San G. The trail is characterized by numerous switchbacks and steep slopes. We searched in rock outcrops and fallen trees along the trail as well as small "use trails" that pepper the route. Additionally we carefully searched the two campsites, High Creek and Half-way, finding no evidence. Throughout the 8 mile hike we encountered 15 hikers who said that they did not see any sign of Mr. Jacquet.
There were a number of other teams in the field yesterday who searched much of Valley of the Falls from the eastern-most section of Mill Creek Jump-off to to locations west of the Momyer Creek Trail. In monitoring radio traffic it was evident that teams were searching very thoroughly as their progress was very slow.
Still, after two days of searching there is no sign of Mr. Jacquet. The search continues.
Below are a few news links.
From Jacquet Search