Monday, April 5, 2010 at 14:44
Dan Whitten

The Sheriff's Basic Search & Rescue Academy Staff will be holding a NASAR SARTECH II Examination the weekend of June 5th and 6th, 2010. 

The BSAR Academy was restructured a couple of years ago to better prepare our new SAR Volunteers for their first field deployments.  The NASAR SARTECH II Examination was removed from the Academy because the lecture portions could not be adequately covered without adding an additional weekend to the course.  While the NASAR SARTECH II certification is not required for new members to participate in field deployments, it is strongly recommended, and it is a prerequisite for future certification as a SARTECH I. 

I encourage everyone who has graduated from BSAR since January, 2008 to consider taking this examination.  SAR Registration forms are available for download on the DOCUMENTS page.

Article originally appeared on SBSAR.ORG (
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